Tutor Time
Tutor Time is a very important part of the school day. Its purpose is to give a good start to the day and ensure the Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural aspects of our students’ development are met as well as ensuring there is an act of collective worship as part of our Thought for the Week and Votes for Schools.
The Form Tutor is the first point of call for a student as they know their tutees the best. They will always liaise with the Head of Year or any other member of the Pastoral Team as required.
All students have a 30-minute form time every morning with their form tutor, starting promptly at 8.30am where as well as being registered for their attendance and punctuality daily they follow a weekly schedule tailored for the age and stage of the particular year group.
It is also during this time where we ensure our students are aware of the expectations held for them by the school in terms of:
- the Shirley Learning Journey, our Shirley Values and the British Values;
- engagement in current affairs and the opportunity to share and discuss opinions on various topics;
- engagement and participation in year group and house assemblies (based on national, cultural or Shirley High specific themes); alongside being part of a wider team;
- celebration of success and rewards as well as reminders of our high expectations;
- literacy, numeracy and the importance of reading for both pastoral as well as academic success
In Key Stage 3 students have a further 15 minute form time at the end of the day at 3.05 pm to help with organisation and preparation for the following day, as well as have an opportunity to address any concerns they may have from the day, with their form tutor.