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Ofsted Report

Shirley High School rated “Good” by Ofsted. (December 2022)

Shirley High School has been under new leadership since September 2019.  During this time we have moved from a school that 'Requires Improvement' to a school that is “Good” in every category.

Our improvements apply to all areas across our school.  This has seen an overall improvement in school performance, more pupils joining the school and now a “Good” in our most recent school inspection.

During our visit inspectors found:

“Trustees, leaders and staff want the very best for all pupils including students in the sixth form.One parent or carer reflected the views of many. They stated, leaders' ambitions and high expectations of pupils, teachers and parents cascade throughout the community.”

“Pupils support the changes that leaders have introduced since the previous inspection.  Pupils have embraced the higher expectations in all areas of school life.”

“Leaders have designed a broad and ambitious curriculum for all pupils [...] they have identified the importance of knowledge that pupils need to learn.  They have thought carefully about the order in which subjects are taught.”

“Leaders promote the love of reading through the new library, twice-weekly reading challenges and reading during form period.”

Leaders have high expectations of behaviour.  Pupils are motivated to achieve the rewards for good behaviour [...] Staff are proud to work in the school and report that it is well led.”

We are proud to be a stand-alone academy that has served our local community since 1954.  Although the demographic of our school has changed over the years, our historic values and moral purpose has made our school integral to the community that we serve, and we are determined to restore our place as one of the best schools in the borough and beyond. One of the benefits of our single academy status, strong financial position and supportive governing body is that we are able to invest quickly in school improvement.  Since 2019 we have made significant investment in teaching and learning, new technology and software to engage and challenge all learners alongside increased intervention and additional support, including a Saturday school programme for Key Stages 3, 4 and 5. The stable nature and family ethos of our school has helped to recruit and retain the best teachers available, and we have increased investment into all departments.  Our Performing Arts status is at the heart of all we do, and we have already designed a community programme to enhance, recognise and support the arts beyond our school gates as well as providing these subjects with additional curriculum time and resources that match our new expectations.  We make no apologies for the high expectations that we have for all areas of our school and for all within our school community. 

We are very proud of our report, but there is still work to be done, as we strive for excellence in all aspects of our school and community. Should you wish to see for yourself our school in action and any of the changes mentioned, please join us any Thursday morning for a tour of the school and a chat with the Principal.

Please click here to view the full report.


Mr T Myton             Mr M West                                       Ms M Adenaike

Principal                    Co-Chair of Governors              Co-Chair of Governors