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Year 9 Options

As your child approaches the end of their KS3 studies, it is time to consider the subjects they will choose for the next two years of their Shirley Learning Journey. This is an important decision that will impact their future academic and career prospects. Therefore, it is crucial that they carefully consider their options before making their choices.

Our curriculum at Shirley High School is broad, balanced and ambitious and is in line with the expectations of the National curriculum. Your child will be able to express their preference for four option subjects (plus two reserves), along with the compulsory subjects that all pupils will continue to study: English, Maths, Science, Core Physical Education & Personal Development.

To help them make an informed decision, we have a comprehensive programme to ensure that you and your child have as much information as possible.

Options Assemblies:

Your child will receive presentations from the subject leads. These presentations will explain why pupils pick that subject, outline what they will do, and explain how they are assessed.

Online Presentations:

Subject leads will upload presentations going into further detail about their subjects. We strongly recommend that all parents and carers watch these presentations with their children. This will help you also support your child's decisions.

Options E-Booklet:

This booklet contains all the critical information about the options process, including:

Key dates and deadlines

  1. The EBacc route
  2. Further subject-specific content and information
  3. How to submit your options choices
  4. FAQs
  5. Careers information

This information will be handed out on our Options Evening and will be placed on the school website on Thursday 28 March 2024.

Options Evening:

Year 9 Options evening will take place on Thursday 9 May 2024 4.00pm - 6.30pm. This is an opportunity for parents and pupils to ask questions directly to the subject leads.

Information regarding all subjects will be placed on the school's website on Thursday 28 March 2024

Key dates:

 ● Thursday 28 March - Subject specific literature and videos on the school website

● Thursday 9 May - Options Evening

● Friday 10 May - Application process opens

Monday 13 May - Application process closes

This event is the first step in an important journey and we are there to guide and support you through the process.  Please ensure that you take part in all aspects of this process and support your child in selecting suitable courses that will improve their life chances.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Mrs S Brown at